
Medical Facility Visualization for a Life Science Company in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Experience the synergy of detail, visual communication, and technology with Space Era – your supply chain innovation partners.

Medical Facility Visualization for a Life Science Company in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Experience the synergy of detail, visual communication, and technology with Space Era – your supply chain innovation partners.

Medical Facility Visualization for a Life Science Company in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Experience the synergy of detail, visual communication, and technology with Space Era – your supply chain innovation partners.

About the Project:

Space Era was tasked with visualizing and effectively communicating the design and functionality of a new medical facility for a prominent life-science company in the pharmaceutical industry. The objective was to create a compelling documentary-style video to be shared with various stakeholders, including engineers, scientists, and end-users.

Our task:

Space Era was tasked with visualizing and effectively communicating information about a medical facility for a prominent life-science company in the pharmaceutical industry. The goal was to create a compelling documentary-style video to be shared with various stakeholders, including engineers, scientists and end-users.


Space Era embarked on a comprehensive approach to tackle the project. Conducting thorough research, the team visited the site, capturing aerial shots with drones to gain a holistic perspective. Utilizing CGI and VFX, a compelling storyboard was crafted, seamlessly blending stock footage with the imagery rendered. To add context, the future building was embedded into the site, offering a clear overview of the forthcoming facility. Also explained the supply chain flow within the building.


The client's satisfaction was unparalleled, leading to increased opportunities for future collaborations and projects within the same building and beyond. The delivered video served as a powerful tool for the client, allowing them to highlight the project's sustainability aspect to management and appropriate the same for PR and marketing endeavors.

Sanderstraße 196
42283 Wuppertal Deutschland



+49 15753083810

+49 1621009568

Sanderstraße 196
42283 Wuppertal Deutschland



+49 15753083810

+49 1621009568

Sanderstraße 196
42283 Wuppertal Deutschland



+49 15753083810

+49 1621009568